Saturday, August 25, 2012

Village Art Association June Program

At Village Art Association's June meeting in the Lititz Library Community Room, I presented tips and pointers on painting with Maroger medium. Program attendees were attentive, asking many good questions & giving positive input. Rather than paint one single picture start-to-finish, I added texture details to a series of partly-finished paintings: Highlights on pewter candlestick; grainlines on onion skin; smoothly-blended sky; water droplets on grapes & puddles on a table.

Friday, August 24, 2012

LVC 2012 Juried Exhibition

In April, I was pleased to have my painting, "Rose Garden Sculpture" accepted into Lebanon Valley College's 41st Annual Juried Show. It was one of about 45 works on display. This was the 4th year in a row that I have had a painting accepted into this exhbit & I consider it quite an honor.