Has it been nearly 12 months since the '09 York Fair? It doesn't seem possible; however, I am gearing up for an exciting stretch of demonstration painting in the Old Main Building. A display of my paintings will be located just inside the doors on the southwest entrance of the building. You may stop by to Top photo by Chris Knight - Patriot News; Bottom photo by Ray Olewiler watch & chat, then check back on my progress later in the day. If I am not sitting at my easel, you may find me on the opposite side of the room, pointing out to fairgoers, paintings & artwork done by my students & grandchildren. My tentative schedule is Fri-Sun: 10-1, 2-5, 6-9; Mon-Wed 2-5, 6-9; Thursday: off.
In addition to a variety of arts & crafts, you will see entries of photographs, sewing, needlework, quilts, antiques, 4-H & Home Ec projects. Beyond the pumpkin tent, don't miss Horticulture Hall, showcasing an aromatic assortment of fruits, vegetables, flowers, eggs, & home products such as jellies, honey, baked goods & decorated cakes. Be sure to enjoy delicious funnel cakes and milkshakes from Schnader's refreshment stands out on the York Fair midway(see photo.)